Decor My Interior provides HPL Wall Cladding to enhance the aesthetics of the building's exterior, which protects the building from moisture, wind, and improved thermal performance. It's available in several designs, sizes, and textures and specially designed to satisfy valued customers' need. Further, it's made under our expert professionals' supervision by using the latest technologies, keeping in mind the set quality norms. Our offered HPL Wall Cladding has demanded thanks to their designs, texture and praised for their unique features like long service life and smooth surface.
More Exterior Decor
Elevation Clad your Building envelopes with our new exterior best grade cladding systems made with High-pressure Laminates (HPL) and accessories. It's the perfect product for external cladding applications produced under tremendous pressure and heat providing adequate weather Protection, making it capable of withstanding erosion from natural elements. High ultraviolet rays resistance make it ideal for buildings requiring ventilated elevation façade cladding. A few of the applications which fabricate with our materials are balcony ceiling cladding/casing, boundary fencing, sunshade louvres, prefab pergola system, plumbing shaft coverings etc. We provide a one-year on-site warranty on the products and installation for hassle-free work. As we rated the best HPL cladding dealers in Delhi